Our Lady of the Sea

Comune di Riccione

On 13 and 14 July, the City of Riccione celebrates Our Lady of the Sea, the traditional religious and seafaring festival in honour of the Virgin that consolidates and renews the city's bond with its sea every year in the heart of summer.
To open the celebrations, on Saturday 13 July, the classic Veleggiata della Saviolina and the historic boats of Romagna, the Mariegole, expected in port in the late afternoon, with their marvellous coloured sails including those of the beautiful lancione, symbol of the city.
On Sunday 14 July at 5.15 am, in the magnificent setting of the public beach in front of Piazzale Vittorini at the Marano, the Albe in controuce festival presents an unexpected artistic combination of Dardust and Mirko Casadei to accompany the sunrise.
Sunday's religious celebrations begin at 9.30 am at the port with the laying of the wreath in honour of the Madonna del Mare, and the sea procession of the Saviolina and historical sails. In the evening, the Solemn Holy Mass (Piazzale del Porto, 9.15 pm), presided over by Bishop H.E. Nicolò Anselmi, closes the day's celebrations. At the end, the fireworks display over the sea of Riccione.
The Festa della Madonna del Mare (Our Lady of the Sea Festival) is an event promoted by the Municipality of Riccione in collaboration with Club Nautico, Lega Navale Italiana Riccione, Cooperativa Bagnini, Associazione Nazionale Marinai d'Italia Gruppo di Riccione, Ufficio Locale Marittimo di Riccione, and Riccione parishes.

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.


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